MINI PACKAGE "Only photography"

500 QAR

  • 1 person ⁣⁣⠀
  • 1 location⁣⁣⠀
  • 30 minutes ⁣⁣
  • 1 look (clothes)
  • You will get:⁣⁣⠀
  • 30 RAW digital pictures
  • Any 10 edited digital pictures choosen by you⠀
  • All final products will be sent to you in only 4 days


700 QAR

  • 1 person ⁣⁣⠀
  • 1 - 2 locations⁣⁣⠀
  • 1 - 1,5 hour⁣⁣
  • 1 - 3 looks (clothes)
  • You will get:
  • All RAW digital pictures ⁣⁣⠀
  • Any 20 edited digital pictures choosen by you⠀
  • All final products will be sent to you in only 4 days

 "PHOTOGRAPHY & Videography"

800 QAR


  • 1 person 
  • Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours
  • 1- 2 locations
  • 1- 3 looks ( clothes )
  • You will get:
  • All RAW digital pictures⠀
  • All RAW videos 
  • Video clip up to 20 seconds
  • Any 25 edited digital pictures choosen by you
  • All final products will be sent to you in only 5 days 


PACKAGE "ONLY videography"

600 QAR

  • 1 person ⁣⁣⠀
  • 1 - 2 locations⁣⁣⠀
  • 1  hour⁣⁣
  • 1 - 3 looks (clothes)
  • All RAW videos ⁣⁣⠀
  • 1 big video clip up to 1 minute or 3 small video clips up to 20 seconds ⠀
  • All final products will be sent to you in only 4 days
  • Website